Dip your toes into social selling waters
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Above all the noise, beyond all the changes and in face of new challenges …
Social selling allows you to be present during the critical first half of the buyer journey – as you position who you help, how you help and why it matters. Now.
Here’s the ultimate question. With a sales target on your back – are you looking for new strategies to attract and convert prospects into customers, partners or influencers?
Chances are your target audience already engages in social buying, and at least some of your competitors engage in social selling.
75% of the B2B buyers embrace social media networks as the key to their purchasing process.
Customers are typically halfway done their buying process before they reach out to a sales person.
Social selling keeps you present during the critical first half of their buying journey.
Social selling leaders get better results
Social Selling is not about pitching your products/services. It’s about helping your prospect transition from “I’m just looking” to “I’m ready to talk to a salesperson”.
Choose JGC for Social Selling programs and tools to help you establish and grow:
Your Personal Brand
The LinkedIn Profile Scorecard helps you check all the boxes and ride the wave of social selling success.
Your Network
The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing your Social Media Posts answers all your questions, with tips, tricks and insights to help you build your network.
Your Content
Spend less time writing and more time engaging with your own custom library of hand-crafted and curated content.
Your Engagement
JGC’s LinkedIn Social Selling Starter Kit includes everything you need to start building awareness, engagement and growth during the critical first half of the buying journey