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The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Social Media Posts shares insights from social selling leaders, movers and shakers

Be Heard

Above all the noise, beyond all the changes and in face of new challenges

Social selling allows you to be present during the critical first half of the buyer journey – as you position who you help, how you help and why it matters. Now.

Chances are your target audience already engages in social buying, and at least some of your competitors engage in social selling. An IDC white paper determined that roughly 75% of B2B buyers use social media networks as a part of their purchasing process.

Customers are typically halfway done their buying process before they reach out to a salesperson

Social selling leaders are 51% more likely to reach quota.

78% of social sellers outsell peers who don’t use social media.

Spend less time writing and more time engaging with new prospects, partners and influencers. Choose JGC to build your own custom library of hand-crafted and curated content.

Short Form

Average of three lines each

Focused on why people should engage (click/like/watch…)

Sold in multiples of 10

Long Form

6 – 10 lines each

Designed as thought leadership posts

Sold in multiples of 6

Micro Posts

Designed as snappy alternative headlines that catch attention

Sold in multiples of 20

Mix and Match

Stretch 2 weeks of content into 4

Double-down on your favourite platform

Hashtags included

Get the freedom to engage, like, follow and comment, as well as learn what type of content attracts the right (and not so right) buyer

A custom library of “starter” content

Mix and Match packages

Royalty free imagery

Optional branded posts

BONUS: Includes “The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Social Media Posts” – curated insights from social selling leaders, movers and shakers.

Learn from global sales and marketing leaders – like Joanne Gore, President of Joanne Gore Communications – who have successfully adopted social selling strategies to build awareness, engagement and growth during the critical first half of the buying journey.

Spend less time writing and more time engaging with your own custom library of hand-crafted and curated content