Download the 2020 Marketing & Sales Best Practices Report for Print Service Providers

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“The discipline and strategic sales and marketing approach of these high growth companies should not be ignored by any business.”

Karen Kimerer, KL Kimerer & Associates

Eliminate chaos and establish scalable, repeatable activities for growth

Companies large and small are walking a fine line between capitalising on the current global health crisis – and helping people by adapting products and services to meet the needs of today’s ever-changing workforce.

“Over 50% of PSPs experiencing revenue growth support sales efforts with lead generation campaigns”.

Business leaders must not only protect their workers, but their company. Focusing on a marketing campaign may not be top of mind – but sharing relevant information with customers, prospects and partners is.

As business re-opens, finding new customers and selling more to existing clients is a priority

Successful, revenue-generating PSPs are using Marketing & Sales Best Practices to:

  • Increase market exposure and sales revenue
  • Generate more leads
  • Increase outreach and engagement

It’s more important than ever that prospects understand how you help them within the first 5 seconds of visiting your website.

What you’re selling is not nearly as important as why it matters to the people who buy from you – especially now. The features and benefits that your customers cared about a few months ago may no longer matter. Knowing who you help – and how you help them – is more critical than ever.

Over 61% of respondents indicated they do not have a lead gen follow-up process in place.

A well-defined sales and marketing process eliminates chaos and establishes scalable, repeatable activities for growth.

Download the 2020 Marketing & Sales Best Practices for PSPs Report

Discover the strategies and tactics successful print service providers are using to:

Attract New Customers

Track Sales Activities

Navigate the prospect to customer journey

Avoid the top 3 sales rep mistakes

Train and Develop the sales team

About the 2020 Marketing & Sales Best Practices for Print Service Providers report

The 2020 Marketing & Sales Best Practices for Print Service Providers report was commissioned by Karen Kimerer, KL Kimerer & Associates, a professional consultant and industry analyst. She set out to determine marketing and sales best practices of Print Service Providers demonstrating growth. The swift change in the health of our nation and economic impact of the coronavirus was not taken into consideration as the data was collected prior to, and at the very onset of, the COVID-19 global pandemic.

That being said, there is much to be learned from industry best practices and high-growth print organizations. The discipline and strategic sales and marketing approach of these high growth companies should not be ignored by any company looking for new business.

This report provides a collection of marketing and sales best practices to yield growth and results now and moving forward.

Download the 2020 Marketing & Sales Best Practices Report